I’m based in the UK, currently working on a few things at the moment.
How I built this blog
It’s a very simple set-up, and you could probably spin up a clone of this blog within a few hours even if you are a beginner.
It comprises of:
- Storing the application code, and content on Github;
- Deploying the code / content to a Vercel instance; and
- Configuring Vercel to use my domain that I purchased.
How to connect
I’m usually more than happy to chat and partner with others if it fits in well with my own schedule.
If you send me a message, or email and I ignore you, don’t take it personally. I usually get around to geniune emails.
If you have any changes / issues / whatever you can contribute by going the repo and opening a pull request.
How to contribute
If you have found this blog useful, and you want to show some appreciation, then consider sending something to my wallet.
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