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Study Journal 12-10-2023

Published: at 12:00 AM

Where I’m at

What I’m studying (a bit) - Head First Javascript

Notes from yesterday:

What I learnt

Notes from today:

What I did

Leetcode - Problem #1

Ok back to this question - let’s see how I go.


Write a function createHelloWorld. It should return a new function that always returns "Hello World".


Example 1:

Input: args = []

Output: “Hello World”

Explanation: const f = createHelloWorld(); f(); // “Hello World” The function returned by createHelloWorld should always return “Hello World”.

Example 2:

Input: args = [{},null,42]

Output: “Hello World”

Explanation: const f = createHelloWorld(); f({}, null, 42); // “Hello World” Any arguments could be passed to the function but it should still always return “Hello World”.


End Result

Not attempted - still require more time to learn in JS before I can attempt that problem

OutSystems - Architecture and Stuff

Using BPT? I don’t know what they’re really for… but the development flow is basically the same:

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