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Study Journal 26-10-2023

Published: at 12:00 AM

Where I’m at

What’s on the cards for today - Back to App Development

Ok so we need to break down the schema for the stocktake in PostGres and then we can figure out how we’re going to create this thing.

Once the schema is done, I think we’ll have a good handle on how we’ll determine the look and all that.

What I learnt

Random wisdom - to add to key wisdom:

PROBLEM SOLVING: Creating this application is 80% problem solving and 20% code. Let’s go through how to problem solve. 

Let’s run through some of the key ideas:

Let’s adapt that to the problem which is implementing the add stocktake functionality - expanding on each

1. Identify the problem

Let’s break this down into 3 sections - context, issue and why do I care?

Context: We need to implement the Add Stocktake functionality to the mobile app.

Issue: Need to understand what data I need to store, how I am going to store it, what validation logic I need, and how the user will input that data.

Why do I care? If we can streamline the input of quality data for stock, we would’ve cut down on a long and difficult task for managers and head office.

2. Research and Refine:

You’re likely not the first person to come across this problem. So use that person’s solution as a starting point.

So let’s break down the problems we have into smaller ones:

3. Psuedocode

Write out in the editor the logic of the application - as much as possible in the target language. In this case - it’d be Dart:

addStocktake function

define API caller - caller to DB
define screens(helper screens, stocktake form screens, confirmation screen, success/failure screens)
define layersIndex (helper screens = 1, stocktake form screens = 4, confirmation screen = 3, success/failure = 2)

display startingScreens (helper screens, stocktake form screen)

for itemCount = null item add to unaccountedItems array
for itemCount > 30 add item to unusualCount array

when pageCount = 5 display submit button

on user press of submit button:

- check items for duplicate entries and sum up total
- if unusualCount + unaccountedItems == null then display success/failure screen and submit data via API
- if unusualCount + unaccountedItems =/= null then display confirmation screen with relevant items

on user press of submit button on confirmation screen:

- display success/failure screen
- submit data via API
- show failure message and return to stocktake form screen by clearing screen by user button press
- show success message, clear the stocktake form screen, and then allow the user to clear the screen by button

Stocktake Form:

stocktakeFormScreen function

define stocktakeForm(locations(5), defaultItems, tableRows)
define stocktakeFormPages(locations = page number)

Also! Research! Check how the API works, and test it using Postman. Research how others completed it beforehand to see what is done.

4. Writing tests

There is a simple flow to testing:

For example in the addStocktake function:

test('to ensure that item count does not have invalid data types')

define itemCountTest = simulatedCount(mockData)

expect itemCountTest = true

define incorrectCountTest =/= simulatedCount(mockData)

expect incorrectCountTest = true

5. Implement

Do it as quickly as possible. Just get it working.

No - really, just try to get it done as quickly as possible.

6. Reflect

Get a good nights sleep. Take a 15 minute break. Drink some water. Do some exercise.

But do this to make your code better:

It’s always easier to refactor a complete piece of code - then to write a perfect piece of code.

Random things I need to write down:

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