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Study Journal 08-11-2023

Published: at 12:00 AM

Where I’m at

Mastermind - Development

Double Coincedence of Wants - Important in bartering trading theory. A buyer and seller must both be willing to sell their goods, and buy the others goods.

Pattern Designs - Important to solve common problems but not how it’s done

They’re blowing my mind - but they’re really useful. I understand that they’re not applicable in all cases, but are tried and tested solutions that work regardless of contex

Portal - Development

Sequence of events using the Stocktake and Stock Item models:

SequenceActionStocktake StateStock Item StateUI Action
1Start stocktakeInitialize with catalog items, zero countsFetch full catalog of itemsShow full list of items with fields for counts, hint last known counts
2Enter count for an itemUpdate count for item IDUnchangedUpdate count field for item
3(Reserved for future)---
4(Reserved for future)---
5Submit countsSet status to ‘inProgress’, store countsUnchangedShow confirmation dialog, then loading indicator
6Validate countsUnchangedUnchangedPerform validation checks, show any discrepancies
7Confirm submissionSet status to ‘completed’Batch update quantitiesShow loading, then success message, update list with new counts
8Review stocktakeLoad completed stocktake detailsLoad updated stock itemsDisplay stocktake summary report
9Close stocktake sessionClear/reset stateUnchangedReturn to main menu or dashboard

What I learnt

Notes from “Pragmatic Thinking and Learning”

Introduction - Always Consider the Context!

Everything is connected to each other, nothing exists in isolation.

E.g. a tree is not an isolated object in the ground. It has two major systems:

  1. Processing of leaves and air, and
  2. Processing of roots and earth.

You are also very rarely a mere observer in the system but a part of it!

Novice vs Expert

The Dreyfus Model is how we can conceive skill level - not how a person learns. There are five levels on the model:

  1. Novice
  2. Advanced Beginner
  3. Competent
  4. Proficient
  5. Expert

The following are general characterisations of each level:


A novice is:

Advanced Beginner

An advanced begineer is:


A competent practitioner:


A proficient practitioner:


An expert:

Don’t cross the streams!

Experts do not work well with rules! Don’t herd a racehorse!

Novices don’t work well with intuition! Don’t race sheep!

Match the skill level with the work required!

Random thoughts to checkout

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