Where I’m at
Portal - Development
Onward - Finishing up the Stocktake Form - Initialisation, Completion and Submission
Status update - update in bold (14 / 11 / 2023)
- Initialisation - nearly complete - done
- Completion - about halfway - underway
- Submission - not much progress — have psuedocode for submission logic
Tasks for completion for today:
- Finish off initialisation - this is the requirements:
- Allows user to use the button on the right conditions - done
- Understands the context - by calculating the week and reading the database for existing records. - done
- For the future - getting context from a custom claim JWT (Auth token) - that will be how we determine the users associated location, role, etc. - later
- When pressed it does three actions:
- Writes a new blank stocktake - done
- Opens the stocktake widget - done
- Locks the stocktake for the other user - done and also allows resumption of incomplete stocktakes
- Allows user to use the button on the right conditions - done
Onto Stocktake Management Proper - Figuring out Stock Item, and Stock Count state management.
General Flow of State Management for Stock Item and Stock Counts
Component | Item | Stock Item | Stock Count |
Object | - | class StockItem { String stockItemId; required String productId; // This is really a concrete SKU, not a relational ID String name; required String description; required bool isSelected = false; | class StockCount { int quantity; required // Matches to the “newQuantity” in the Adjustment model int lastCount; // Matches to the “oldQuantity” in the Adjustment model bool hasChanged = false; |
Methods | - | - To = JSON - From = fromFirestore factory method | - To = JSON - From = JSON |
Component | Stock Item State | Count State |
Object | class StockItemState { final List final bool isLoading; final String? error; | class CountState { final int quantity; final int lastCount; final bool hasChanged; |
Methods | - copyWith method | - copyWith method |
Component | Stock Item Notifier | Counter Notifier |
Object | class StockItemNotifier extends StateNotifier final StockRepository stockRepository; StockItemNotifier(this.stockRepository) : super(StockItemState()); | class CounterNotifier extends StateNotifier CounterNotifier(CountState initialState) : super(initialState); |
Methods | - fetchStockItems() - addStockItem(StockItem item) - updateStockItem(StockItem item) - deleteStockItem(StockItem item) // TODO - Remove interface and refactor | - incrementCount() - decrementCount() - setCount(int newCount) |
Methods |
- fetchStockItems() |
- addStockItem(StockItem item) |
// TODO - Remove interface and refactor |
- fetchStockCounts() // TODO - Complete |
- updateStockCount(StockCount count) // TODO - Complete |
Not yet completed
final counterProvider =
StateNotifierProvider.family<CounterNotifier, CountState, int>(
(ref, initialCount) => CounterNotifier(CountState(
quantity: initialCount,
hasChanged: false,
Consumers - UI
Not yet completed
class Counter extends ConsumerWidget {
final int initialCount;
const Counter({
required this.initialCount,
// Much more to do with the widget build
Mutation Matrix - Mapping the flow of change of the data / UI
- Bold – State - Local
- Underline – Data - Firestore or Cache
Mutation | Carousel | Stocktake List | Stock Item | Stock Count | Dots Decorator / Indicator |
Initialisation | displayLocationName displaySublocation(init) getPageNumber(init) | populateList(init) | fetchStockItems(init) mapStockItems(init) cacheStockItems displayStockItems(init) | fetchStockCounts(init) mapStockCounts(init) cacheStockCounts displayStockCounts(init) | buildDot(init) |
onPageChange | getPageNumber(new) updateSublocation(new) displaySublocation(new) | populateList(new) | cache.fetchStockItems(new) displayStockItems(new) | cache.fetchStockCounts(new) displayStockCounts(new) | buildDot(new) |
onCountChange | No action | No action | No action | updateStockCount() updateStockCounts(change) displayStockCounts(change) | No action |