Where I’m at
- Returning to my comment on Saturday about “needing a way to methodically go through my old journal entries and strengthen my knowledge”.
- A lot of people have come up to me to discuss how to get into crypto — money to be made … how? Make a monthly newsletter and charge a small subscription fee.
What I learnt
- More from O’Reilly’s Javascript:
- Not so much learnt … but have no idea what the hell are these types of integer literals: Binary (base 2 - 0b), Octal (base 8 - 0o), and Hexadecimal (base 16 - 0x)
- Binary is useful because it’s actual bits, and so extremely fast
- Octals are basically impractical for web development, it’s useful for things like file permissions in a Unix system
- Hexadecimals are great for concise values
- That’s all I really understand of them anyway at the moment
- Escape Sequences in string literals => \
- I knew the newline escape sequence for string literals like “The cat was \n on the couch”
- There’s a lot of other escape sequences a lot for spacing and the like, or to create a Unicode character like \u{n}
- Strings are a sequence of 16-bit values, think of it like an array but …
- Sometimes when we read what appears to be a single character, could actually be two 16-bit values like ”💙” is actually “\ud83d” and “\udc99”
What I did
- For my old journal entries I ended up using a random file selector script in Powershell that would allow me to select a file, and read the metadata (so it’s more readable).
- Contemplated how I would actually start to gather user feedback before even launching a product, informally, formally?
What I reviewed
The content that was given today was: Study Journal 06-08-2024
- Holy moly this was a big entry, basically it was covering most of Svelte Runes. Which was great stuff, but also still lacking some foundational knowledge that helps me piece together where’s what, and what’s what.
- Going over the main Svelte Runes:
, and$effect
. $state is useful for primary data sources, and $derived is useful, but also consider using functions as a means of computing values stored in state. Effect should be only used very cautiously.
Non-Svelte Runes related there were a few things:
- Mermaid Charts are good stuff for declarative charts;
- Other remarks were mostly just references, or going through thoughts of my own. Especially marketing.
I think the marketing angle — it’s better to get feedback from potential users before I create the system, and also really force yourself to build it as incrementally as possible. It’s not going to solve the world’s problems all at once.
I think I generally have that mindset, but I lack the skills currently on my own to get even a basic version up-and-running without quite a bit of difficulty. Just because of the range of tasks to complete, and actually planning and coding the thing is just one of those steps.