Where I’m at
- Working through mental models of a blockchain that is capable of handling large datasets, at scale, and with security. Basically it’s a direct counter to Chainlink’s oracle solution, instead of having an intermediary like Chainlink, you have your own data stored directly on chain.
- Working through my personal crypto stuff, and working through some of the core functionality.
- Working through my Javascript book study, and understanding more of it.
What I learnt
- Symbols in Javascript… still have no idea what they useful for.
- All primitive datatypes are immutable, and only objects are mutable.
- If you use a method like
that’s not mutating the primitive, but instead replacing it.
- If you use a method like
What I did
- Worked through converting the “Svelte Wagmi” package from the old Svelte stores, to Svelte runes. It works well for the most part, it’s a pretty ugly conversion right now but it works. So we’ll come back to it and configure it properly. If it works really well, I might publish it as an upgrade of the current Svelte Wagmi package.
What I reviewed
The content that I reviewed today was: Study Journal entry for 04-10-2023
- This was when I starting out creating my mobile app:
- I did correctly deduct that I needed a debug console to test out functionality on a micro level, and in a way that was isolated from the context of the rest of the application.
- I was bashing my head against a wall not understanding custom claims properly as a way to give / revoke access to certain content / features.
- I had thought long and hard about a way to actually achieve it without knowing about custom claims properly, and so I created a unified matrix of controls. It’s pretty complicated but also was a useful thought experiment to consider how each user would see different content, etc. It would’ve been an incredibly complex system though.
- It does show how I was thinking about the entire system in a holistic way, and that I had tried to consider the different aspects of each part of the control system.
- Also pointed out a things such as my own ADHD which makes it difficult to remember things. Another reason why this blog is so important.